Post by ECCO President Rev. Dr. Andre Bennett
On January 6th, thousands of White rioters violently stormed the US Capitol. They smashed windows, desecrated national monuments, vandalized the offices of national leaders, and planted pipe bombs in the offices of both the DNC and the RNC. The response from police and government was at best anemic and unprepared or at worst malevolently planned.
We often chant, “This is what democracy looks like!” Today, I want to chant, “This is what White Supremacy looks like.” When White rioters violently mob the Capitol, police showed a remarkable lack of resistance and arrested only 52 people. When people protested nonviolently Black Lives Matter this summer, police showed up with tanks and riot gear. They arrested 427 peaceful DC protesters from May 31st-June 2nd alone, and 14,000 nationally over the course of the summer. Yesterday was a heartbreaking demonstration of how differently police and government behave when the lives of the people they serve and protect actually MATTER to them.
Though some in the media are presenting yesterday’s events as being only about our president, we would be wise to realize that White nationalism and White supremacy are a powerful force in our country that we must expose and confront together. Yet for many of us, yesterday’s events leave us feeling despair, hopelessness, anger, exhaustion. We ask, “How long, Lord? How long?”
There will be time for analysis and action, but immediately following, the ECCO community gathered together on Thursday the 7th to lift each other up. ECCO clergy invited us lament, comfort, pray, and process. I can’t think of anywhere else I would have wanted to be than with all of you.