Our legislators are set to vote on the Work and Family Mobility Act, and it seems like the vote will be this Wednesday! Now more than ever is the moment to take action for Drivers' Licenses for All in Massachusetts. Below you'll see opportunities to be a part of our big push by showing up with us outside the State House Wednesday, making calls tomorrow, and fasting and praying in solidarity with undocumented people across our communities.
We turned to the licenses fight originally so many years ago, deeply discouraged by the fight for citizenship at the federal level. We thought we'd try instead for the smallest crumbs in our state- just drivers' licenses. We had no idea how hard it would be. It's been such a long road seeking champions for this bill among car insurance companies, police chiefs, legislators...but now we are on the precipice of a change. I hope you'll join in making calls tomorrow, and in taking action outside the state House on Wednesday morning or fasting and praying with us in solidarity if you (like me) are working and can't make it.
ECCO Leaders Participate in an Action for Drivers' Licenses Led by our Partner Movimiento Cosecha
Tuesday Virtual Action Hour with Driving Families Forward
When: Tuesday, February 15th, 6-7 PM
Where: Zoom - register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkceurrDMoHdBrwe0wOggaJC8EG7O-xlV_
What: Join our coalition partners at Driving Families Forward to generate supportive calls and emails into the State House on this last day before the vote. Can’t make it? You can use the coalition's click-to-call and click-to-email tools to call and email your legislators!
Even if you already know your legislator is supportive of this bill, give them a call now to express gratitude, support for the bill in its current form, and encourage them VOTE YES. If they’ve been on the fence or resistant, your call is especially important now!
Wednesday: Gather Outside the State House to Show Support
What: Join us at an action led by our coalition, Driving Families Forward, to show strong and positive support for this bill in front of the State House! RSVP here to let us know if you will join us.
When: Wednesday, February 15th, 10:00 AM. Please check the Facebook page of the Driving Families Forward Coalition for updated details and any changes, or contact aviva@eccoaction.org. There is a small chance the date of the vote will change, and our gathering will be on the morning of the vote. If you RSVP below and there is any change we will let you know.
Where: Directly in front of the State House, 24 Beacon Street, Boston. Use the RSVP form to let us know if you need a ride (we have a bus with limited seats traveling from the North Shore) or if you can drive others.
Fasting and Prayer on Wednesday
What: Many of ECCO's immigrant leaders will be fasting and praying for licenses on Wednesday and we invite you to join us in solidarity if you are able, to give each other strength and keep us focused on the struggle. Whether it's a half or a full day, fasting is an action we can take together as we cry out for justice and for licenses.
When: Wednesday, February 15th
Where: Wherever you are, join us and share with others about what you're doing! Use the same RSVP formto let us know if you will be fasting with us.
¡La Lucha Sigue!
Angela Arce
Former ECCO Board President and Member of Immaculate Conception Parish, Salem