We Are ECCo
Our network of 59 congregations and the North Shore Labor Council brings many hands to the work and is the heart of ECCO. By working and learning together, we are able to bring about vital changes on the local, county, and state levels.
Colette Lima, Racial Justice Organizer
Colette received her MSW in Macro Social Work from Boston University in 2019. She holds a wealth of experience as a restorative justice coach and trainer and also as a teacher and an administrator: Colette worked at Suffolk University in restorative justice coaching and also in several school districts and organizations in Massachusetts, including Boston and Lawrence Public Schools. She specializes in using Circle processes as a way to support students, teachers, and families in addressing racial trauma and healing. Outside of her work, Colette is an avid reader and writer and enjoys hiking and collecting vinyl records.
Rabbi Margie Klein-Ronkin, Executive Director
In addition to serving ECCO, Rabbi Margie is the founder of Kavod Boston, a multi-ethnic, multi-racial community led by young Jews, committed to each other and to building a liberated world for all people. A graduate of Yale, Rabbi Margie is co-editor of Righteous Indignation: A Jewish Call for Justice. She has appeared in the New York Times, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, CNN, and Newsweek for her faith-based social justice work, and was invited to the White House for her leadership.
Rev. Bernadette Hickman-Maynard, Deputy Director
Rev. Bernadette is from Los Angeles, CA and traveled to the Boston area to attend Harvard University. She has nearly 20 years experience working with people of all ages across race, ethnicity, and faith divides to provide educational and cultural services, build community and advocate for social justice. She is also serves as the Pastor of Bethel AME Church in Lynn.
Allen Lipson, Organizer and Development Coordinator
Allen was ordained as a rabbi at Hebrew College in May 2024. After getting his start working in corporate finance, Allen has worked extensively in grassroots organizing and fundraising, having previously served at our sibling organizations Faith in New York and Brockton Interfaith Community, as well as at the UNITE -HERE union. Allen is a published author, and has written extensively about Judaism and economic justice. Allen coordinates our house parties and individual donor work, as well as to streamline and support our grant fundraising process.
Dr. Alexandra Piñeros-Shields, Consultant and former Executive Director
Alexandra has worked in the field of immigration services and advocacy for the past 30 years with numerous organizations. Her advocacy and organizing has centered around building cross-racial cross-national immigrant solidarity and political power and developing popular education spaces for immigrants to empower themselves and their communities. She received her Ph.D. in Social Policy from the Heller School at Brandeis University, where she now teaches.
Rev. Dr. Andre Bennett, Zion Baptist, Lynn - Co-President
Brenda Womack, Zion Baptist Church, Lynn - Co-President
Sseziwa Mukasa, Bethel AME Church- Treasurer
Sam Silverman, Temple Ahavat Achim, Gloucester - Secretary
Rev. Holly Brauner, First Church UCC, Swampscott
Martha Curry, UU Church of Greater Lynn, Swampscott
Ellen Reis - Bartlett, Portuguese Community
Vianka Jiminez, Immaculate Conception, Salem
Bob Reynolds, North Shore Labor Council, Lynn
Roy Rhodes, Bethel AME Church, Lynn