ECCO COVID-19 Solidarity Effort

“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” - Lila Watson, Aboriginal Activist

The COVID-19 crisis has laid bare our unjust system in which a few at the top prosper while those on the bottom live under constant threat of discrimination, exploitation and poverty.  We must act in solidarity with one another, especially those who are the most vulnerable among us - people of color and undocumented immigrants.  

Though we hope the worst of the pandemic is over, we must still work together to counteract the systems of inequity and exploitation that hurt and dehumanize all of us.

To respond to the needs of our leaders in crisis, we encourage you to donate to ECCO or to offer your direct support and accompaniment to ECCO leaders in need. To join our accompaniment list to give rides, provide childcare, support leaders to fill out applications for housing and other assistance, or to accompany leaders to court, please email

no one stands alone fund

Throughout the pandemic, ECCO worked to bridge the gap between the “haves” and the “have nots” through our No One Stands Alone Fund, which has supported over 300 families in desperate need to to COVID-19 crisis and other challenges.

vaccine equity

ECCO is also working to promote vaccine equity and ensure that immigrant communities in Lynn gain access to the vaccine. As part of that work, ECCO has hired “Vaccine Ambassadors” that work with Lynn’s Hatian and Latinx communities. To support this work, click here.